Online Trainings

Online Trainings

Microsoft® Office Excel®: Data Analysis with Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

Do you work with masses of data?

Do you need to manipulate it and create clear and concise reports?

Attend this training if you want to:

  • Gain a competitive edge by harnessing the power of big data
  • Learn to summarize, organize, and report in a way that is meaningful by using the PivotTable features and formatting tools.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Prepare Data for Use in a Database
  • Create a PivotTable from a Local, External and Multiple Data Sources
  • Analyze Data Using PivotTables
  • Create and Format Pivot Table Chats
  • Practice Using Exercises

To ensure success, participants should have practical experience using Excel.

Member rate: $119

Non-member rate: $139

ASK Distribution Consulting™, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD). ASK Distribution Consulting™ is organized for the purposes of supporting the commercial viability and sustainability of companies active in chemical, specialty, and essetial ingredients distribution.

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